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maptiler-osm-2025-03-24-v3.15-china_shangrao.mbtiles maptiler-osm-2020-02-10-v3.11-china_shangrao.mbtiles
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Free Download
(2020 OpenStreetMap Vectors only)
Free download is available only for non-commercial personal projects and
evaluation or educational
For production use, a Basic, Business, or Partner license is required!
From: 2020-02-10
/ Version: v3.11
Size: 23.8 MiB /
Format: MBTiles (PBF)
This data extract is allowed to be used in a evaluation or educational purpose only.non-commercial personal project only.
Free Download
Basic Subscription
All regions with updates
from $1,500/year
Do you have any questions? Do you want to use the datasets for different purposes, contact us for the license offer specific to your use case.
One-Time Purchase
Selected data extract
without updates
Basic Subscription
All regions with updates
from $1,500/year
Business Subscription
All regions with updates
from $4,800/year
Do you have any questions? Do you want to use the datasets for B2B or B2G
purposes, contact us for the license offer, specific to your use case.
Basic Subscription
All regions with updates
from $1,500/year
Business Subscription
All regions with updates
from $4,800/year
Do you have any questions? Do you want to use the datasets for B2B or B2G purposes,
contact us for the license offer, specific to your use offer, specific to your use case.
Partner Subscription
Annual Contract
Unlimited downloads and weekly updates
for all regions and planet.
single internal use application,with maximum 100 MAUs.
40 USD
subscription can be used to develop a
single B2C or internal application only,with maximum 100 MAUs.
I confirm that I have read the above-
mentioned usage limitation,
and accept the
MapTiler Data License Agreement.
Unlimited downloads and weekly updates
for all regions and planet
subscription can be used to develop a
single B2C or internal application only,with maximum 1000 MAUs.
I confirm that I have read the above-
mentioned usage limitation,
and accept the
MapTiler Data License Agreement.
Unlimited downloads and weekly updates
for all regions and planet
Required attribution
© MapTiler © OpenStreetMap contributors
Please mention MapTiler in the announcement and documentation of your application.
The free download service is supported by HSR Rapperswil our academic partner.