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Vector and raster map tiles of Regierungsbezirk Münster

OpenStreetMap vector tiles
Regierungsbezirk Münster

Bounds 6.38588, 51.47971, 8.321177, 52.47844

Download tileset of this area

OpenStreetMap 208.0 MiB Download

Download OpenStreetMap vector tiles of Regierungsbezirk Münster.

These tiles contains selection of OpenStreetMap data - in layers defined by the OpenMapTiles Vector Tile Schema.

Zoom in to preview the details of this tileset. Provided area is marked with a rectangle.

The tiles are generated on zoom levels 0 to 14, but can be overzoomed to level 18+.
Vector tiles contain selection of OpenStreetMap data - following the OpenMapTiles schema, compatible with the open styles.